Work, wages and livelihoodHealth and social protection

Number of accidents at work fell by 18 per cent in the first corona year 2020

release | Occupational accident statistics 2020


Database tables of the statistics on occupational accident statistics corrected
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According to preliminary data of Statistics Finland's occupational accident statistics, the number of occupational accidents decreased in the first corona year. A total of 112,200 accidents at work occurred in 2020. This was 18.0 per cent fewer than in the year before. Wage and salary earners' accidents at work decreased relatively more than those of self-employed persons.

Key selections

  • There were 24,700 fewer accidents at work in 2020 than in the year before.
  • Wage and salary earners had 18.9 per cent fewer accidents at work and self-employed 8.4 per cent fewer.
  • Wage and salary earners had 31.3 per cent fewer commuting accidents and 16.1 per cent fewer workplace accidents.
  • The number of accidents at work fell in relative terms most in information and communication (47.7%) and financial and insurance activities (47.4%) and in relative terms least in agriculture, forestry and fishery (5.5%).

Database tables

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New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Period of disability
  • Occupational status
  • Industry
  • Sex
  • Age group
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Occupational status
  • Place of accident
  • Period of disability
  • Age group
  • Industry

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Inquiries primarily
Mikko Toiviainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3589
Other experts
Head of Department in charge