Database tables of the statistics on occupational accident statistics corrected

Date of correction:

Statistics: occupational accident statistics

Releases: occupational accident statistics 2021, 1.12.2023; occupational accident statistics 2021, preliminary data, 16.6.2023; occupational accident statistics 2020, 30.11.2022; and occupational accident statistics 2020, preliminary data, 16.6.2022

Corrected database table, identifier and name

Description of the correction

In the occupational accidents of wage and salary earners and self-employed persons, 7,197 occupational accidents were recorded as occupational accidents leading to disability of 0 to 3 days due to a data supplier error and these were corrected to occupational accidents leading to disability of at least four days. Wage and salary earners had 6,849 accidents at work and self-employed persons 348 accidents at work.

The preliminary release on occupational accidents 2020 and the preliminary release on occupational accidents 2021 were corrected concerning the sections on wage and salary earners' accidents at work as regards the length of disability.

Occupational accidents leading to disability of at least four days are used in the calculation of wage and salary earners' accident frequency and accident incidence rates. Wage and salary earners' accident incidence rates and accident frequency were corrected in the release of
occupational accident statistics 2020. The release of occupational accidents 2021 was corrected to the extent that the data for 2020 were used as comparison data.