Environment and nature

Amount of waste generated in 2020 remained almost unchanged from the previous year – caused by slight changes in the amount of waste from mining and quarrying and manufacturing

release | Waste statistics 2020


The error in the figure of the release of waste statistics was corrected
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The publication of statistical data was delayed on 15 June because of a technical problem.
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According to Statistics Finland, close on 116 million tonnes of waste were generated in 2020. This is nearly the same as in the previous year, when the amount of waste had risen mainly due to waste from mining and quarrying. The volumes of waste in 2020 changed in different directions in different industries. The growth in the amount of waste was generated in mining and quarrying and in total amount of waste originating from manufacturing, while the growth in the amount of municipal waste was only one part of the growth.

Key selections

  • The combined amount of waste generated by manufacturing industries grew by around 5 per cent
  • Material recovery of other than mineral waste increased clearly; from 35 to around 42 per cent.
  • Due to the large volume of mineral waste, the share of disposal in all waste treatment was around 84 per cent.


The publication of statistical data was delayed on 15 June because of a technical problem.
Read more about the change


See key statistical data in the figures.

Waste generated by sector in 2021, 1,000 tonnes per year


See key statistical data in the tables.

Waste generation by industry, 2017-2021, 1000 tonnes

Waste treatment by type of treatment, 2017-2021 Amount of waste 1000 tons

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Waste class
  • NACE
Classifications used:
  • Waste treatment
  • Waste class

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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Juha Espo
Senior Statistician
029 551 3463
Other experts
Head of Department in charge