Environment and nature

Waste statistics

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
Waste statistics describe changes in the amounts of waste, treatment modes of waste and shares of hazardous waste. The classifiers in the statistics are main industries, waste categories or waste types. The data are collected from several sources and for manufacturing they are updated once a year, otherwise irregularly.


Statistics Finland

Key figures

Municipal waste

521kilogrammes per capita
Waste statistics
Updated: 13/02/2024

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Weight of waste, tonnes in 2002 to 2022 by Waste treatment

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Juha Espo
Senior Statistician
029 551 3463
Other experts

Referencing instructions

Referencing instructions

The statistical data released before 5.4.2022 can be found on the archive pages of the statistics.

Go to the archive page