Environment and nature

Environmental protection expenditure turned upwards in 2020

release | Environmental protection expenditure accounts 2020

According to Statistics Finland, environmental protection expenditure turned upwards again in 2020 after a break of one year and has increased by close on four per cent from the year before. The growth in 2020 primarily occurred in the public sector. The statistics cover the public sector, households, mining and quarrying, manufacturing as well as energy supply, and water and waste management.

Key selections

  • The environmental protection expenditure of Finland’s public sector grew by 26 per cent in 2020 and amounted to good EUR 500 million in total.
  • Enterprises spent a total of around EUR 2,800 million on environmental protection services and investments.
  • Environmental protection expenditure arising from households’ wastewater and waste treatment amounted to nearly EUR 950 million.

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2008
  • Transaction
  • The classification of environmental protection activities
Classifications used:
  • The Classification of Sectors
  • Transaction
  • Environmental protection activities

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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Antti Hörkkö
Senior Statistician
029 551 3035
Head of Department in charge