EnergyEnvironment and natureTransport and tourism

Consumption of wood fuels and natural gas decreased considerably in the first quarter

release | Energy supply and consumption 2022, 1st quarter


Database Release "Energy supply and consumption 2021, quarters 1–4, 2nd revision" was removed.
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According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, total energy consumption in January to March amounted to 335 petajoule (PJ), which was 13 per cent less than in the corresponding period last year. The mild early part of the year and the Paperworkers’ Union’s strike decreased the demand for energy compared with the previous year. The consumption of wood fuels and natural gas fell most, by 27 and 55 per cent. Total electricity consumption decreased by seven per cent year-on-year. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was reflected as uncertainty on the energy market.

Key selections

  • The consumption of renewable energy went down by 20 per cent from the year before, mainly due to a 27 per cent decrease in the consumption of wood fuels. The decrease in the consumption of wood fuels was partly due to the Paperworkers’ Union’s strike, which lasted throughout the first quarter of the year.
  • The combined consumption of fossil fuels and peat decreased by 13 per cent. The consumption of natural gas declined most, by 53 per cent, due to the significant growth in the price of natural gas that had started already in 2021.
  • Of other fuels, the consumption of oil increased by three per cent in January to March. The consumption of coal and peat decreased by six and ten per cent, respectively.
  • Total electricity consumption was 23 terawatt hours (TWh) or seven per cent lower than one year earlier. The volume of combined electricity production decreased by 34 per cent and net imports of electricity by 10 per cent.
  • Carbon dioxide emissions from the energy use of fuels decreased by 12 per cent from the previous year.


Database Release "Energy supply and consumption 2021, quarters 1–4, 2nd revision" was removed.
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Total energy consumption by energy source 2022Q1*

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Classifications used:
  • Energy source
Classifications used:
  • Electricity production/supply
Classifications used:
  • Oil product
Classifications used:
  • Sales of oil products for international transport (m3)
Classifications used:
  • Emission sector

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