EnergyEnvironment and natureTransport and tourism

Energy supply and consumption

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
The statistics on energy supply and consumption describe total energy consumption, production and total consumption of electricity, and imports and exports of energy. The data are collected from several sources. Preliminary data are released quarterly and final data once a year.


Statistics Finland


New database tables are published in the statistics on energy supply and consumption.
Read more about the change


release | Energy supply and consumption 2024, 1st quarter, preliminary
release | Energy supply and consumption 2024, 1st quarter, imports and exports of energy
release | Energy supply and consumption 2023, energy consumption in transport, preliminary data
database release | Energy supply and consumption 2023, quarters 1–4, 1st revision
database release | Energy supply and consumption 2023, 1st revision
database release | Energy supply and consumption 2023, electricity supply and consumption, 1st revision

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Total energy consumption by energy source 1990-2023*

Supplies and total consumption of electricity 1990-2023*

CO2 emissions from fuel combustion 1990-2023*

Energy consumption in transport by sector 1990-2023*

Shares of energy sources in total energy consumption in 2022 and 2023*

Shares of energy sources in total energy consumption by year

Value of imports and exports of energy in 2015Q1 to 2024Q1*


See key statistical data in the tables.

Total energy consumption by energy source

Total energy consumption by energy source

Information elsewhere

Statistics about energy in Finland such as energy consumption, imports and exports, emissions, prices and taxes (Excel tables).
Statistics about energy in Finland such as energy consumption, imports and exports, emissions, prices and taxes (Excel tables).

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Service email
Aleksi Sandberg
Senior Statistician
029 551 3326
Other experts

Referencing instructions

Referencing instructions

The statistical data released before 5.4.2022 can be found on the archive pages of the statistics.

Go to the archive page