Work, wages and livelihood

Median earnings of monthly-paid employees EUR 3,630 in the private sector in 2022

release | Private sector monthly salaries 2022


New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on private sector monthly salaries.
Read more about the change

According to Statistics Finland, the median earnings for regular working hours of full-time monthly-paid employees in the private sector were EUR 3,630 and the average earnings EUR 4,050 per month in 2022. Men’s average earnings were EUR 4,090 and women’s EUR 3,230. Those belonging to the best paid decile earned at least EUR 6,160 per month and the earnings of the lowest paid decile were EUR 2,390 or lower.

Key selections

  • The median earnings of monthly-paid wage and salary earners working in the private sector were EUR 3,630 and the average EUR 4,050.
  • Ten per cent of wage and salary earners earned at most EUR 2,390 per month and 10 per cent earned at least EUR 6,160 per month.
  • The median earnings of women were EUR 3,230 and those of men EUR 4,090 per month.
  • The median earnings of those with upper secondary level education were EUR 2,930 and the median of those with higher tertiary level education was EUR 4,830.


New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on private sector monthly salaries.
Read more about the change

Database tables

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New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Classification of Occupations 2010
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Classification of Occupations 2010
  • Age group
Classifications used:
  • Age group
  • Sex
  • The level of education
Classifications used:
  • Sex
  • Educational classification
Removed database tables

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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Harri Nummila
Senior Statistician
029 551 3235
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Head of Department in charge