Work, wages and livelihood

Wage and salary earners' nominal earnings level rose by 3.4 per cent in April to June 2024 from one year ago

release | Index of wage and salary earnings 2024, 2nd quarter


New Classification of Sectors adopted in the statistics and changes in releases
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According to Statistics Finland’s preliminary data, the index of wage and salary earnings, which measures the growth in the nominal earnings of full-time wage and salary earners, rose by 3.4 per cent in April to June 2024 when compared with the respective period in 2023. Over the same period, the real earnings level of wage and salary earners rose by 1.9 per cent because the rise in earnings level was faster than that in consumer prices.

Key selections

  • Examined by sector, the nominal earnings level of wage and salary earners rose most in other units of central government and wellbeing services county administration in April to June 2024.
  • The index for regular earnings, which better describes permanent changes in the level of earnings, rose more than the index of wage and salary earnings in all sectors in April to June 2024.
  • In April to June 2024, the real earnings of wage and salary earners were clearly lower than the peak reached in 2021.


New Classification of Sectors adopted in the statistics and changes in releases
Read more about the change

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Base of payment
  • Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2008
Classifications used:
  • Base of payment
  • Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2008
Classifications used:
    Classifications used:
      Removed database tables

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      Statistical experts

      Inquiries primarily
      Jukka Tapio
      Senior Statistician
      029 551 3429
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      Head of Department in charge