Index of wage and salary earnings: New Classification of Sectors adopted in the statistics and changes in releases

Date of change:

Information about the change

The Classification of Sectors 2023 has been adopted in the index of wage and salary earnings. The production of indices according to the previously used employer sector division will be discontinued at a time announced later. The monthly earnings of wage and salary earners are no longer produced using the employer sector division, but only according to the Classification of Sectors 2023 starting from 2023.

Of the sectors used earlier in the index of wage and salary earnings, the budget economy of central government and local government remain unchanged in the new sector division and the private sector corresponds to non-financial corporations and financial and insurance corporations. In addition to these three sectors, data on the development of the earnings level are published according to eight other sectors. Of the old sectors, the others sector will later be discontinued.

Index series with the Classification of Sectors 2023 are published according to the base year 2015. The initial level of the indices of the sub-sectors of local government, such as wellbeing services county administration, is the same in the first quarter of 2023 as in the entire local government sector.

The aim is to release the final data of the index of wage and salary earnings for 2023 on 15 October 2024.

New database table, identifier and name

Table to be replaced and moved to the archive:

11zu -- Average monthly earnings by sector and gender

Table to be replaced and moved to the archive:

122k -- Average monthly earnings by sector and gender

See all database tables of the statistics in the StatFin database. The database tables to be archived are available in the StatFin archive database.

Further information

Jukka Tapio
Senior Statistician
029 551 3429