EnergyEnvironment and natureTransport and tourism

Energy consumption in domestic transport decreased by 2 per cent in 2023

release | Energy supply and consumption 2023

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, energy consumption in domestic transport amounted to 161 petajoule (PJ) in 2023. Consumption decreased by two per cent (3 PJ) from the previous year. Liquid fuels in road transport impacted the drop most, their total consumption went down by three per cent (4 PJ). Among liquid fuels in road transport, the consumption of motor gasoline increased by two per cent (1 PJ) and that of diesel oil decreased by five per cent (5 PJ).

Key selections

  • The share of liquid biofuels in all energy sources in road transport was 16 per cent, up by one per cent from one year back. A total of 23 PJ of liquid biofuels were consumed in 2023.
  • The share of electricity among energy sources in road transport was two per cent and that of biogas 0.9 per cent. The consumption of natural gas and liquefied natural gas in transport decreased by 88 per cent.
  • Energy consumption in domestic civil aviation rose by 23 per cent, being three per cent (4 PJ) of total energy consumption in transport.
  • Energy consumption decreased by five per cent in domestic waterborne traffic and by one per cent in railway traffic.
  • Waterborne traffic accounted for four per cent (6 PJ) of total energy consumption in transport, while the corresponding share in railway traffic was two per cent (3 PJ).

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Classifications used:
  • Energy source
  • Transportation sector

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