Prices and consumption

Considerable differences in European consumer prices in 2023

release | International price comparison 2023

There are major differences between European countries in consumer prices. In 2023, the price level of private consumption in Finland was the seventh highest in Europe, 24 per cent above the EU average. Switzerland had the most expensive consumer prices in Europe, Türkiye the lowest. The data are based on a price comparison of 36 countries coordinated by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union. The price data concerning Finland were compiled by Statistics Finland.

Key selections

  • All in all, Finland had a high price level by European comparison in 2023.

  • Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, transport services and restaurant and hotel services were relatively expensive in Finland and correspondingly, energy prices were reasonably low compared with many other European countries.

  • In 2023, the price level of food was the same in Finland as in Estonia.

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