International price comparison

Statistics related to topics:Prices and consumption
The international price comparison concerns the price level of EU and EFTA countries and gross domestic product (GDP) to be corrected with the price level and they produce value ratios, or purchasing power parities, between currencies. The data are collected from different sources and published once a year.
Key figures
Price level index for household final consumption expenditure (EU=100) in Finland
International price comparisonUpdated: 20/06/2024
Detailed tables of the statistics are available in the StatFin database
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The archive contains the database tables that we no longer update.
Future releases
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See key statistical data in the figures.
Price level for household final consumption expenditure (EU27_2020=100) by year
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Information elsewhere
Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.
Go to documentation of the statisticsReferencing instructions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): International price comparison [online publication].
ISSN=2954-1506. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 29.3.2025].
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Statistical experts
Inquiries primarily
Service email
kvhintavertailu.tilastokeskus@stat.fiHarri Kananoja
Senior Statistician
029 551 3567
International comparison data
Harri Kananoja
Senior Statistician
029 551 3567
Other experts
Tomi Liimatainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3490