Gross domestic product fell by 0.1 per cent in 2024

Release related to topics:National economy
release | Annual national accounts 2024


Database table 11sf of the statistics on annual national accounts corrected.
Read more about the correction


The data of the statistics on taxes and tax-like payments will be released starting from March 2025 as part of the annual national accounts. The publication of the statistics on taxes and tax-like payments will be discontinued: the last publication of the statistics was 18.9.2024.
Read more about the change

According to Statistics Finland’s revised preliminary data, the volume of Finland’s GDP fell by 0.1 per cent in 2024. The deficit of general government grew to nearly EUR 12,5 billion in 2024. The tax ratio fell moderately to 42 per cent relative to GDP.

Key selections

  • Gross domestic product fell by 0.1 per cent in 2024.
  • Households' saving rate grew.
  • Net borrowing of central government increased.
  • Tax revenues grew and the tax ratio fell.

Households' saving rate grew – growth in paid pensions raised pensioners' income

Households’ wages and salaries sum grew moderately in 2024. The development of wages and salaries was curbed by decreased employment. Employment was particularly weakened by the weak economic situation in newbuilding.

Households' disposable income grew due to the growth in pensions from the year before. Thus, paid pensions grew clearly faster than wages and salaries.

Private consumption grew moderately in 2024 and households' savings grew. Households' saving rate also grew.

General government deficit continued to grow

The deficit of general government grew to nearly EUR 12,5 billion in 2024. In the previous year, the deficit was EUR 8.1 billion.

Bar chart on the financial position of general government by sub-sector in 2000 to 2022. General government has shown a deficit since 2009. In the 2010s, the deficit was biggest in central government and lower in local government. Employment pension funds, in turn, were in surplus and other social security funds, depending on the economic cycle, were in surplus or deficit. In 2020, general government deficit was at its highest, around six per cent relative to GDP, but in 2022, the deficit has returned to the level of the years preceding the coronavirus.

The deficit of central government was EUR 10.4 billion, while one year before it was EUR 9.1 billion. This was primarily due to increased investments, current transfers to social security funds and wellbeing services counties and debt management expenditure.

Interest paid by central government rose. Compared to the previous year, the difference between interest income and expenditure, or net interest expenses, grew by EUR 0.7 billion.

The deficit of local government, excluding wellbeing services county administration, decreased from the previous year, being EUR 1.0 billion. The decrease in the deficit was particularly caused by a EUR 0.9 billion increase in tax revenue and a moderate increase in expenditure. The deficit of wellbeing services county administration was EUR 1.8 billion, while in 2023 it was EUR 1.7 billion.

The surplus of employment pension schemes was EUR 2.0 billion, having been EUR 2.6 billion one year earlier. The weakening of the financial position was mainly due to increased pension contributions as a result of index increases.

The financial position of other social security funds also weakened, being EUR 1.3 billion in deficit. Social security contributions received decreased significantly because the share of insurance contributions in wages and salaries was lowered in 2024.

Current account strengthened in 2024

The current account showed a surplus of EUR 0.8 billion in 2024 (EUR -1.4 billion in 2023). The current account was pushed up by the growth in net exports of services and the strengthened balance of the secondary income account.

The growth in net exports of services was particularly explained by strong development in telecommunication, computer and information services and growth in charges for the use of intellectual property. The goods account weakened.

Tax revenues grew moderately and tax ratio fell

The accrual of taxes and compulsory social security contributions decreased by 0.2 per cent in 2024 and totalled EUR 116.3 billion.

The tax ratio was 42.1 per cent relative to gross domestic product. Compared to 2023, the tax ratio fell by 0.6 percentage points.

The tax revenue of central government grew by 0.7 per cent and it amounted to EUR 69.7 billion. The tax revenue of local government grew by 7.0 per cent and was EUR 14.0 billion.

Of taxes paid on goods and services, value added tax grew most, as its accrual grew by 3.0 per cent and amounted to EUR 25.8 billion. The increase in the accrual of value added tax was due to the raised general value added tax rate in September from 24 to 25.5 per cent.

The accrual of income taxes paid by households grew by 2.4 per cent from the previous year and was EUR 35.6 billion, while the accrual of corporations' income tax fell by 8.5 per cent and was EUR 7.1 billion.

The net tax ratio was 16.4 per cent relative to gross domestic product and it fell by 1.6 percentage points from 2023. The fall in the net tax ratio was mostly due to the big growth in current transfers, especially in social security pension benefits paid by employment pension schemes.

National Accounts' table package

The table package combining national accounts data is available in PDF/A format in Finnish and English. The table package is updated in connection with each annual national accounts release.


The data of the statistics on taxes and tax-like payments will be released starting from March 2025 as part of the annual national accounts. The publication of the statistics on taxes and tax-like payments will be discontinued: the last publication of the statistics was 18.9.2024.
Read more about the change


See key statistical data in the figures.

Tax ratio in 1975 to 2024


See key statistical data in the tables.

GDP per capita 1975-2024*

Bruttonationalprodukt (BNP) 1975-2024*

Data revisions

See key statistical data in the tables.

Revision of annual volume change, %

Revision of taxes and tax ratio

Database tables

Pick the data you need into tables, view the data as graphs, or download the data for your use.

Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Transaction
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
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  • Transaction
  • Sector
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five times a year
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  • Sector
  • Transaction
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five times a year
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  • Transaction
  • Industry
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five times a year
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  • Transaction
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  • Industry
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five times a year
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  • Transaction
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five times a year
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  • Transaction
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five times a year
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  • Transaction
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  • Industry
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five times a year
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  • Transaction
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  • Consumption class
  • Durability class
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five times a year
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  • Industry
  • Sector
  • Transaction
  • Instrument
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five times a year
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  • Sector
  • Tax category
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Updating frequency:
two times a year
Classifications used:
  • Sector
Reference period cycle:
Updating frequency:
two times a year

Future releases


Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

Go to documentation of the statistics

Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Annual national accounts [online publication].
Reference period: 2024. ISSN=1798-0623. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 26.3.2025].
Access method:

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Tapio Kuusisto
Senior Statistician
029 551 3318

Other experts

Natael Kivari
Senior Statistician
029 551 3361
Nelly Kivinen
Senior Statistician
029 551 2012

Head of Department in charge

Katri Kaaja
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3488