Changes to the database tables of statistics on living conditions
Date of change:The database tables concerning risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE) have been republished due to revised time series data. In future, sample-based data on risk of poverty will be published annually as part of the annual data of the statistics on living conditions instead of in the income distribution statistics as before.
Sample-based risk of poverty is part of the risk of poverty or social exclusion indicator published in the statistics on living conditions. In addition, renewed tables on housing will be published and old tables will be archived at the same time.
Tables to be archived and their replacements
New table | Table to be archived |
13h6 -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex | |
13h7 -- Köyhyys- tai syrjäytymisriski kotitalouden elinvaiheen mukaan | |
13hb -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by socioeconomic group | |
13hc -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by area | |
13hd -- Intersections of dimensions of risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex | |
122t - Household population's risk of poverty indicators by age and sex (archived in income distribution statistics on February 28th 2023) | |
127h - Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's household's life-cycle (archived in income distribution statistics on February 28th 2023) | |
127i - Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's socioeconomic group (archived in income distribution statistics on February 28th 2023) |
Other new tables
Other tables to be archived
11vn - Households' housing conditions by income group
11zz - Households' housing conditions by form of tenure and statistical grouping of municipalities
121c - Households' housing conditions by form of tenure and statistical grouping of life-cycle
11v2 - Life satisfaction, mean, among household population aged 16 years or older by age and income group