Database tables of the statistics on greenhouse gases are archived and changes in database tables

Date of change:

Statistics: greenhouse gases

The database tables to be archived, identifier and name

111k -- Greenhouse gas emissions in Finland (until the end of the 2nd commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol), 1990-2020

111x -- Greenhouse gas emissions from Kyoto Protocol LULUCF activities in the second commitment period in Finland, 2013-2020

Revised database table, identifier and name

New database table, identifier and name

Information about the change

Database tables 111k and 111x of the Kyoto Protocol's second commitment period are archived because the commitment period ended to the year 2020 and the reporting under it is no longer updated.

The following revisions were made to Database table 138v -- Greenhouse gas emissions in Finland, 1990-2022:

  1. Subcategories were added to the table for the agriculture and land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sectors and in relation to the use of F-gases under the industrial processes and product use sector.
  2. The alternative “Emission, 1,000 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent (GWP=AR4)” was removed from the Information variable because greenhouse gas emission reporting has moved to global warming potential (GWP) values according to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), by which greenhouse gas volumes are translated into a common measure, carbon dioxide equivalent.

Annual emission allocations for the commitment period 2021 to 2025, actual emissions in the effort sharing sector and the difference between the allocations and emissions are given in Database table 13n3 - Greenhouse gas emission data according to the EU effort sharing regulation.

See all database tables of the statistics in the StatFin database. The database tables to be archived are available in the StatFin archive database.

Further information

Helmi Polmio
Senior Statistician
029 551 3730