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Students and qualifications: Changes in database tables

Date of change:

New database tables, identifier and name

Tables 14rw Students and qualifications in vocational education by type of education and 14rx Students in vocational education and qualifications by level of education contain the same data in different tables as archived table 135r Students and qualifications in vocational education, but the data are divided into different tables due to the large size of the tables. The variable type of education has been named the mode of competence acquisition variable.

Table 14s6 Students and completers of preparatory education for working life and independent living (TELMA) contains the same data as archived table 137s Students in instruction preparing for and preparatory education for upper secondary education and completers of education, but no longer includes data on preparatory education for vocational education and training (VALMA) or education preparing for general upper secondary education (LUVA), because these types of education ended on 31 July 2022.

The database tables to be archived, identifier and name

135r - Students and qualifications in vocational education

137s - Students in instruction preparing for and preparatory education for upper secondary education and completers of education

See all database tables of the statistics in the StatFin databaseExternal link. The database tables to be archived are available in the StatFin archive databaseExternal link.

Further information

Helena Aaltonen
Senior Statistician
029 551 2697