Environmental goods and services sector: Time series data of the statistics were corrected

Date of correction:

Information about the change

Statistics: environmental goods and services sector

Release: environmental goods and services sector 2023

Correction date: 11 December 2024

Corrected database table, identifier and name

Description of the correction

The time series of national accounts was updated starting from 2010 in the time series revision made on 18 September 2024, which also impacts the time series of the environmental goods and services sector. Time series revisions are carried out in all EU countries at five-year intervals in a jointly selected year. The changes made have an effect on the level of turnover and value added, exports and employment.

In addition, an error was detected in the time series on manufacturing. In the manufacture of basic metals, steel production from recycled steel was erroneously included in category 14 Management of minerals in the classification of environmental goods and services. After the correction of the error, this category includes steel recycling only. As a result of the correction, manufacturing is no longer the biggest industry in the environmental goods and services sector.

The time series was also updated as concerns the classification of environmental goods and services. Such activity in the environmental goods and services sector which was previously classified into category 12 Management of wild flora and fauna, is now located in category 06 Protection of biodiversity and landscapes. As a result of the change, the classifications are in better accordance with international reporting.

Further information

Nina Hiltunen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3089