Agriculture, forestry and fisheryPrices and consumption

Index of producer prices of agricultural products

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
The index of producer prices of agricultural products measures developments in producer prices for plant-based and animal products from farmers’ perspective. It shows how much producer prices of agriculture have changed compared to the index base period. The data are collected from various sources and published monthly.


Statistics Finland

Key figures

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), yearly change

May 2024
Index of producer prices of agricultural products
Updated: 05/07/2024


release | Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2024, May, preliminary data
release | Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2024, April, preliminary data
release | Index of producer prices of agricultural products, 2024, 1st quarter, preliminary data
release | Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2023
release | Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2024, March, preliminary data
release | Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2024, February, preliminary data

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100) in 2020M01 to 2024M05*

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), cereals, meat, milk and other animal products in 2020M01 to 2024M05*

Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2015=100) 2015M01-2024M05*

Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2015=100), cereals, meat, milk and other animal products 2015M01-2024M05*


See key statistical data in the tables.

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100) 2020M01-2024M05*

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), month-on-month change and year-on-year change in 2021M06 to 2024M05*

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), quarter-on-quarter change and year-on-year change in 2021Q2 to 2024Q1*

Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100) and year-on-year change in 2020 to 2023

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Marianne Rautelin
Senior Statistician
029 551 3421
Data revisions
International comparison data

Referencing instructions

Referencing instructions

The statistical data released before 5.4.2022 can be found on the archive pages of the statistics.

Go to the archive page