Labour force survey

Statistics related to topics:Work, wages and livelihoodPopulation and society
The Labour Force Survey statistics describe labour market participation by population aged 15 to 89 monthly, quarterly and annually. Data are collected with a sample survey. Monthly and quarterly data are published on the 15 to 74 age group. The data content is based on EU Regulation.
Key figures
Employment rate, persons aged 20 to 64, trend
February 2025
Labour force surveyUpdated: 25/03/2025
Unemployment rate, persons aged 15 to 74, trend
February 2025
Labour force surveyUpdated: 25/03/2025
Detailed tables of the statistics are available in the StatFin database
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The archive contains the database tables that we no longer update.
Future releases
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See key statistical data in the figures.
Employment rate and trend of employment rate of persons aged 20 to 64 in 2010M01 to 2025M02
Content is being loaded
Employment rate and trend of employment rate of persons aged 15 to 64 in 2010M01 to 2025M02
Unemployment rate and trend of unemployment rate of persons aged 15 to 74 in 2010M01 to 2025M02
Employment rate by sex 2009-2024
Employment rate by age group 2009-2024
Unemployment rate by age group 2009-2024
Shares of employed, unemployed and inactive population in the age group by year
Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.
Go to documentation of the statisticsReferencing instructions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Labour force survey [online publication].
ISSN=1798-7857. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 25.3.2025].
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tyovoimatutkimus@stat.fiOther experts
Ulla Hannula
Senior Statistician
029 551 2924
Kirsi Toivonen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3535