Household-dwelling units and housing conditions
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: ConstructionPopulation
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
These statistics on household-dwelling units and housing conditions are produced annually and depict the situation on the last day of each year. All persons residing permanently in the same dwelling form a household-dwelling unit. Housing conditions are described by such variables as form of tenure, type of building, number of rooms and equipment of dwelling, as well as by structure and stage in life of household-dwelling unit and age of its members. Statistics on household-dwelling units and housing conditions can be produced according to all regional divisions based on municipalities and co-ordinates, as well as by postal code area.
Data content
The population for the statistics on household-dwelling units and housing conditions is formed by persons permanently resident in actual dwellings, i.e. the so-called dwelling population. Persons who, according to the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre, are permanently institutionalised, living in residential homes and abroad and homeless people are not included in the dwelling population. Likewise, persons living in buildings classified as residential homes whose living quarters do not meet the definition of dwelling, are not included.
Household-dwelling units can also be described according to the household-dwelling unit's structure, number of persons, stage in life, income and age of members. Housing conditions of household-dwelling units are described by the dwelling's building type, tenure status, occupancy rate, standard of equipment and type of dwelling.
The statistical data on household-dwelling units and housing conditions are total data. According to the Statistics Act, individual-based data are confidential.
Classifications used
The classifications used in the statistics on household-dwelling units and housing conditions are such as the stage in life of the household-dwelling unit and intended use of the building.
Statistics are produced on all regional divisions based on grouping of municipalities, such as the whole country, province, region, sub-regional unit and municipality. The data can also be produced by postal code area and by regional divisions based on map co-ordinates, e.g. municipalities' sub-area classifications.
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistical data on household-dwelling units are mainly compiled from the data of the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre and the Tax Administration's registers.
Updating frequency
The statistics are produced yearly. The data describe the situation on the last day of the year.
Time of completion or release
The basic data, such as the structure of the household-dwelling unit, building type of the dwelling, occupancy rate and standard of equipment, are completed in May, data on the dwelling's tenure status in September and data on stage in life, reference person and income based on income data with the delay of one year in May.
Time series
The data have been produced yearly from 1985. Prior to that, corresponding data have been collected in population censuses in 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975 and 1980.
Contact information
Last updated 01.06.2016