Living conditions survey
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Living Conditions
Related topics: Income and Consumption
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The European living conditions survey (European Community Household Panel, ECHP) is part of the European Statistical System. The produced data provide extensive information from the Member States of the European Union on numerous subjects relating to living conditions. Comparability of the data is ensured by standardised survey procedures. The survey results in table format are public, whereas the basic data are confidential.
Data content
Classifications used
Occupation, status in occupation, status in household, tenure status of the dwelling, age, language, type of household, level of education, principal activity, type of building, industry, employer sector, marital status, gender. Other classifications can be formed where necessary.
Data collection methods and data sources
A sample-based panel survey where the data were asked by interviews from the same households and the persons belonging to them in successive years. A representative sample of the household population aged 16 or over. In Finland the data were collected through computer-assisted, primarily face-to-face interviews. Some of the data concerning Finland were replaced by data available from administrative statistical sources (mainly income).
Updating frequency
The Statistical Office of the European Communities (EC), Eurostat is responsible for updating the data from different countries once they have been completed by the national statistical offices.
Time of completion or release
The data are complete. Eurostat has published statistics covering all EU Member States.
Time series
The data collection for the European living conditions survey was made in Finland between 1996 and 2001, in most EU countries from 1994 to 2001. The data to be collected remain the same throughout the survey period.
Contact information
Additional information
Eurostat's New Cronos database includes ECHP data
The multinational CHINTEX project connected to the quality of the ECHP survey
Last updated 09.05.2012