Waste statistics
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://stat.fi/til/jate/index_en.html
Main topic: Environment and Natural
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
These statistics monitor changes in the volumes of waste, waste treatment methods and proportions of hazardous waste. The data are classified by main industry (including communities), and waste category or type. A limited amount of data are classified by region.
Data content
Annual data by industry describing wastes generated by industry (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, energy supply) and their treatment by type of waste. Data on amounts of waste generated in building construction and civil engineering. The data are public.
Classifications used
Standard Industrial Classifications 1995 and 2002. List of commonest waste and hazardous waste categories. Diverse classifications concerning the type, origin and treatment of waste. Classification of Buildings.
Data collection methods and data sources
Data from the Environmental Administration’s VAHTI register and supplementing data gathered by Statistics Finland. Register of buildings and Dwellings, other statistics of Statistics Finland, studies and publications of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, statistics and publications of the Finnish Environment Institute and statistics of the Ekokem Group and Paperinkeräys Oy.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Regularly in respect of industries, otherwise irregularly.
Time of completion or release
Irregularly. The main data are contained in Statistics Finland's annual publication Environment Statistics.
Time series
The data on wastes generated by industry and their treatment are from the years 1987, 1992 and 1997 while those by main industry are from 1999 and 2000.
factory and trade waste, household waste, municipal waste, waste management, waste products, waste water
Contact information
Last updated 16.03.2018