General government financial accounts
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Government Finance
Related topics: National Accounts
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
General government financial accounts describe financial assets and liabilities of general government and financial transactions with an effect on their volumes by quarter. Financial accounts consist of two parts: financial balance at the end of the quarter and financial transactions during the quarter directed to financial assets and liabilities. The statistics also include data on general government sub-sectors, which are central government and local government sectors and social security funds. Quarterly data are con-sistent with the annual calculations of financial accounts. Consequently, with regard to balances the figure for the last quarter of the year corresponds to the annual figure, while the annual flow can be calculated by summing up the flows of the quarters. Small differences due to updating timetables may occur for the latest years, however.
Data content
The data comprise quarterly balances and flows of general government, that is, central government and local government sectors and social security funds. The statistics are compiled as required by the Euro-pean System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and thus in an internationally comparable manner. The data rela-ting to individual units in the calculation data are confidential.
Classifications used
Classification of Sectors 2012
Data collection methods and data sources
The data sources used in the compilation of financial accounts are all the possible statistics describing quarterly financial transactions and annual financial accounts data to the extent that quarterly data are not available.
Updating frequency
The data are reported to Eurostat quarterly with a delay of 90 days.
Time of completion or release
General government financial accounts are published quarterly on Statistics Finland's Internet pages.
Time series
Quarterly data from general government financial accounts according to ESA 2010 are available from 1999 onwards.
capital, debts, financial accounts, financial balance sheet, general government, government finance, municipal finances, national accounts, public sector, social security funds
Contact information
Last updated 23.12.2022