Cost index of road transport of goods
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: Transport and Tourism
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The cost index of road transport of goods measures changes in the cost factors of prices of road transport of goods for hire or reward. The index depicts average development in the prices of transport by ordinary van, lorry and trailer combination. Statistic Finland also produces indices by cost factor for the three vehicle categories
Data content
Index point figures on the price development of the cost factors of road transport of goods for hire or reward by type of vehicle.
The basic data may not be disclosed.
Classifications used
Vehicle types: vans and light lorries, heady and medium heavy lorries, trailer combinations. Cost factors: drivers’ wages, indirect labour costs, daily allowances and accommodation, fuels, repairs and servicing, tyres, depreciation of capital, interest costs, insurance, transport charges, administration, maintenance.
Data collection methods and data sources
Own data collection, other statistics.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Ready on the 17th day of the month following the statistical reference month. Published quarterly on the 17th day of January, April, July and October. If the day in question falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the statistics are published on the first weekday following it.
Time series
Starting from 1974. The index is reviewed at five-year intervals and the cost index of road transport of goods for hire or reward currently in use is 2010=100.
costs, goods traffic, indices, lorries, lorry traffic, road traffic, traffic, transportation, transportation costs, vehicles
Contact information
Last updated 05.05.2015