Free-time residences
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: Construction
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics on free-time residences describe the existing stock and number of free-time residences on the last day of the year. A free-time residence refers to a residential building intended for free-time use that is permanently constructed or erected on its site, or to a residential building that is used as a holiday or free-time dwelling. Excluded are rental holiday cottages of enterprises engaged in the accommodation industry, buildings of holiday villages and buildings on garden allotments. Free-time residences are not included in statistics on the building stock. Statistics on free-time residences can be compiled by all regional divisions based on municipalities and co-ordinates, as well as by postal code area. Statistics Finland receives the data on free-time residences from the population information system of the Population Register Centre, into which municipal building inspection authorities report data concerning buildings and dwellings that are subject to building permits. The statistics on free-time residences constitute total data.
Data content
The statistics on free-time residences describe the stock of free-time residences by e.g. year of construction, floor are an ownership.
According to the Statistics Act, the data on individual units may not be disclosed
Classifications used
Data on free-time residences are available by regional divisions based on municipalities, such as the whole country, province, region, sub-regional unit and major region. The data can also be compiled by postal code area and by regional divisions based on map co-ordinates, such as municipal sub-areas.
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistics on free-time residences are mainly compiled from data derived from the population information system of the Population Register Centre.
Updating frequency
The statistics are compiled annually. The data describe the situation on the last day of the year.
Time of completion or release
The basic data are ready in June and the publication comes out in August.
Time series
The data have been produced since 1989. Earlier data on the stock of free-time residences were produced in the population censuses of 1970 and 1980.
Contact information
Last updated 02.06.2009