Flash estimate of GDP on quarter
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://stat.fi/til/ktne/index_en.html
Main topic: National Accounts
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The aim of the flash estimate of GDP is to produce the first preliminary picture of domestic output in a quarter. The flash estimate supports the information basis for the quarterly flash estimate of GDP for the EU/Eurozone and at the same time gives the possibility to examine economic development in Finland against corresponding trend data on the EU/Eurozone.
Data content
Quarterly observation of the original series and change in it from the corresponding month of the previous year. Presented as statistical graphics.
Classifications used
Gross domestic product/total output.
Data collection methods and data sources
In order to meet the deadline set for the Flash estimate on GDP of the European Union, the monthly data on the total output for the last month of a quarter are produced exceptionally fast in 45 days by utilising source statistics. Thus, Finland’s Flash estimate of GDP is fully based on the data of the Monthly Indicator of Total Output. The data for a quarter are calculated by summing up monthly observations for three months.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Published 45 days from the statistical reference point of time.
Time series
Contact information
Last updated 26.02.2008