Income and expenditure of foreign sea transport
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Transport and Tourism
Related topics: Enterprises
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics on the income and expenditure of foreign sea transport describe the flows of currency in foreign sea transport at current prices. The statistics contain data on the income received and traffic charges paid to abroad in foreign sea transport by Finnish vessels and vessels time-chartered from abroad.
Data content
The statistics contain following data: vessel information (type and nationality), data on income by vessel and traffic area, traffic charges paid to abroad and income from the time charter of vessels time chartered abroad by vessel.
Traffic charges paid to abroad are classified by the following groups: fuel, port charges, purchases of passenger vessel restaurants and shops, repair costs, insurance costs, time charter charges paid to abroad and other traffic costs.
Gross income accrues from the transportation of passengers and goods. In addition, gross income comprises income from restaurants and shops. Gross income also extends to all income from foreign sea transport, including that paid by domestic parties.
Classifications used
Two-letter classification of countries (ISO 3166 standard).
Data collection methods and data sources
The data are collected quarterly with a questionnaire from shipping companies, owners and/or other data suppliers. The data represent total statistics. The obligation to supply data is based on the Statistics Act (280/2004. Sections 14 and 15).
The data of an individual data supplier are confidential (the Statistics Act, Section 12).
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Time series
Data are available starting from 1985. Slight changes in contents over the covered time period. Compilation of the statistics was moved to Statistics Finland from the Finnish Maritime Administration as of the beginning of 1996.
expenditure, foreign transport, freight, goods transport, gross income, income, international transport, maritime transport, merchant shipping, passenger traffic, sea transport, shipping, ships, traffic, transport, vessels
Contact information
Last updated 05.05.2015