Forest workers' wages
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Wages, Salaries and Labour Costs
Related topics: Agriculture, Forestry and
FisheryLabour Market
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics on forest workers’ wages and salaries describe the numbers of workers, days and hours worked, and earnings for hours worked and changes is them by field of work, location of work, type of employment relationship and gender.
Data content
The data relating to employers describe enterprises and employer groups. Those relating to wage and salary earners and employment relationships describe statistical reference time period, municipality of taxation, type of employment relationship, work category and competence requirement group.
The earnings concept is daily and monthly earnings for hours worked without overtime. In respect of employees on time wages, contract pay or bonus pay, daily earnings are published inclusive of shift work supplement and premium pay, which for workers engaged in timber production includes balancing of earnings in accordance with the earnings balancing system. Hourly earnings for regular working hours are published for hourly paid wage earners.
As a rule the data are public, but data on an individual employer or wage and salary earners must be kept undisclosed.
Classifications used
Forest workers are classified by: employer group (State, members of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation and other employers), work category (manufacture of wood, silviculture, forestry machine operating, other forestry work, timber floating and tree nursery work), form of remuneration (contract pay, time-based pay, bonus-based pay, overtime and Sunday pay and hourly pay), type of employment relationship (permanent or temporary), cost-of-living category of location, gender and age group.
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistics on forest workers’ pay cover forest workers employed by the State and organised employers in the field. Statistics Finland receives from Metsähallitus (the Finnish Forest and Park Service), the Finnish Forest Industries Federation and from Yksityismetsätalouden Työnantajat ry (Association of Private Forestry Employers) data concerning pay form their member enterprises in the second and fourth quarter in machine-readable language and collects pay data direct from Forestry Centres on diskettes.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The data on forest workers' pay are updated twice per year.
Time of completion or release
The data on forest workers' pay are published in March and September.
Time series
Statistics Finland has been publishing the data in its Wages publication series since 1967 and earlier data are available from the Social Journal.
Contact information
Last updated 18.02.2010