Net price index
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: Government FinanceNational
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The net price index describes changes in consumer prices exclusive of estimated effects of commodity taxes but inclusive of the effects of commodity subsidies. The rate of inflation measured with the consumer price index is mainly composed of products and services priced by enterprises, and of taxes collected by public authorities, such as the value added tax. Consumer prices are additionally influenced by subsidies paid by public authorities, with those on agricultural products and public transport as the most important ones. Price changes caused by taxes and subsidies have been removed completely from the net price index. The net price index is calculated as a weighted average of the tax tariff index, describing the effect of taxes and subsidies, and the consumer price index.
Data content
Classifications used
COICOP, Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose, and classification of taxes and subsidies.
Data collection methods and data sources
The index is produced by utilising the basic data of the consumer price index and by monitoring the budget and the financial statements of the state and the acts, decrees and decisions concerning taxes and subsidies. Certain other statistics are also exploited as data sources.
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
14th day of the month following the statistical reference month. If the date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the statistics are released on the first weekday nearest to it.
Time series
The data are availalbe starting from 1987.
Contact information
Last updated 19.03.2012