Indices of owner-occupied housing prices
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: Prices and Costs
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
Indices of owner-occupied housing prices describe the costs of purchasing and owning owner-occupied dwellings, as well as the development of purchase prices of dwellings. The index of owner-occupied housing prices describes the development of transaction prices of dwellings new to the households and of other goods and services related to owner-occupied dwellings. The price index of dwellings describes the price development of dwellings bought by households. The price index of dwellings consists of the price indices of new and old units in housing companies, the price index on real estate prices, and the price index of new detached houses.
Data content
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Time series
Contact information
Additional information
Martti Korhonen Phone: +358 29 551 3451, Petri Kettunen Phone: +358 29 551 3558, Elina Vuorio Phone: +358 29 551 3385
Last updated 30.09.2019