Postal and small freight delivery
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Transport and Tourism
Related topics: Enterprises
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The annual statistics on postal and small freight delivery are published jointly by Statistics Finland and the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority. The statistics contain data on the delivery activity taking place within industry 6411, National post activities, and on its turnover, as well as on the delivery and small freight activity that takes place outside actual post activities. The statistics cover all enterprises of the National post activities industry 6411 and the largest enterprises in industry 6412, Courier activities other than national post activities. In addition, the examination extends to a number of enterprises outside the aforementioned industries practising small freight delivery. The data are collected from the enterprises with mailed questionnaires. The data content of the inquiry and the used classification have been specified by a working group set up for the development of post activities. The statistics are used to monitor prevailing competition in the post activities industry and to produce data for EU statistics and other information needs.
Data content
The statistics contain data on the numbers of domestic and international post and small freight deliveries, and on the turnover generated from them
Unit-specific data of the statistics must be kept undisclosed (Statistics Act 280/2004).
Classifications used
Deliveries are classified to domestic and international mail, and by type of mail into letters, parcels, un-addressed mail and paper and magazine deliveries. Domestic letter and parcel mail is classified by weight category and international mail by target/destination area.
Data collection methods and data sources
Data for the statistics are collected with a postal inquiry. Among the industries concerned, national post activities (6411) is covered exhaustively by the inquiry, while the enterprises included in it from the industry of courier activities other than national post activities (6412) account for 90 per cent of the turnover of this industry. In addition to these, the statistical framework extends to a small number of enterprises providing mainly parcel deliveries.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The data are produced annually.
Time of completion or release
The statistics on postal and small freight delivery are published in December.
Time series
The statistics contain data starting from 1996.
Contact information
Last updated 30.09.2010