Producer: Statistics Finland
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Main topic: National Accounts
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The supply tables describe by commodity group production and imports of the goods and services that are produced by different industries and used in the national economy. The use tables describe by commodity group the use of these products as intermediate products in different industries and for domestic final use and exports. The description also shows the distribution of expenditure by industry into purchasing of domestic and foreign products, and wages, operating surplus and other value added items.
The input-output tables formed from the supply and use tables examine the use of the outputs of industries as intermediate product inputs and for final use in other industries. Thus, the input-output tables provide a picture of the structure of production activity and the interdependencies between industries. Basing on these interdependencies, input-output models are compiled for studying structural changes in the national economy and evaluating the impact of the changes on e.g. production, imports, inflation and employment.
The concepts and definitions used in the compilation of the supply and use tables and the input-output tables are based on the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and the UN’s congruent System of National Accounts 2008 .
The data are public.
Data content
The supply tables describe by commodity group production and imports of the goods and services that are produced by different industries and used in the national economy. The use tables describe by commodity group the use of these products as intermediate products in different industries and for domestic final use and exports. The description also shows the distribution of expenditure by industry into purchasing of domestic and foreign products, and wages, operating surplus and other value added items.
The input-output tables formed from the supply and use tables examine the use of the outputs of industries as intermediate product inputs and for final use in other industries. Thus, the input-output tables provide a picture of the structure of production activity and the interdependencies between industries. Basing on these interdependencies, input-output models are compiled for studying structural changes in the national economy and evaluating the impact of the changes on e.g. production, imports, inflation and employment.
The concepts and definitions used in the compilation of the supply and use tables and the input-output tables are based on the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995) and the UN’s congruent System of National Accounts 1993 (Handbook of Input-Output Table Compilation and Analysis 1999).
The data are public.
Classifications used
Starting from the statistical reference year 2008, the industrial classification used for supply and use tables and input-output tables is the national accounts classification based on TOL 2008 and the product classification is one based on the EU's industry-specific product classification (CPA 2008). The tables to be published have 64 industry and product groups.
The industrial classification used for supply and use tables and input-output tables for the years 2000 to 2007 is the national accounts classification based on TOL 2002 and the product classification is one based on the EU's industry-specific product classification (CPA 2002). The tables to be published have 60 industry and product groups.
Data collection methods and data sources
Input-output is a derived statistics for which only some data are separately collected. The most important data sources are national accounts, structural statistics on manufacturing and products, structural statistics on service industries, statistics on foreign trade, Register of Enterprises and Establishments, corporate taxation records, source data for statistics on central and local government and agriculture and forestry, and the Household Budget Survey. Various other data sources are also utilised.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Supply and use tables and input-output tables for year t are published in December t+2.
Time series
Supply and use tables and supply and use tables have been compiled annually from 1995. Input-output tables have been compiled in Finland previously for 1956, 1959, 1970, 1980, 1982, 1985,1989, 1992, 1993 and 1995.
imports, industries, input-output analysis, national accounts, production
Contact information
Last updated 25.09.2018