Producer price indices for services
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: National AccountsTransport and
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The Producer Price Index for Services describes the price development of services provided by enterprises to other enterprises and the public sector (Business to Business, BtoB), to households (Business to Consumers, BtoC) and to all end users (Business to All, BtoAll).
Data content
The industry-specific product indices of the Producer Price Index for Services describe the average price development of services. At the moment, the total index of the Producer Price Indices for Services covers around 60 per cent of the market services. For example, wholesale trade and retail trade, and financial and insurance activities are not included in the index. The coverage of the index is improved by developing indices for new services. The Producer Price Index for Services is compiled on product basis. The index describes development in the prices of certain types of services irrespective of the main industry of the enterprise. If a service enterprise also produces goods, its goods production is excluded from the scope of the description of the producer price index for services. On the other hand, an enterprise that mainly produces industrial goods may also produce services in which case its services production is included in the scope of the description of the Producer Price Index for Services.
For calculation of the indices, data are collected from the data supplier enterprises on the services offered by them, their prices, enterprises' turnovers and the breakdown of enterprises’ turnover between different service groups. Confidentiality is taken into account when data are published. The data or price development of an individual enterprise cannot be deduced on the basis of the results. In addition to the price data collection, price data or point figures from Statistics Finland’s other statistics (e.g. Consumer Price Index) are also used in calculating the producer price indices.
Classifications used
Starting from the base year 2015, the product classification is CPA 2015 (CPA Ver. 2.1), which is the European Union's Statistical Classification of Products by Activity. In addition, the classification of services can be specified where needed.
In indices with the base year 2010 and 2005, the publication levels used are the Standard Industrial Classification 2008 based on the European Union’s classification of economic activities NACE Rev. 2.
Data collection methods and data sources
The Producer Price Index for Services is calculated using over 3,200 price data items collected from approximately 420 respondents. In addition, mass data are used for a few service groups which have a total of around 20,000 price observations. Statistics Finland's other indices are utilised in the index, such as the Consumer Price Index. The numbers of price data items and data suppliers vary by service.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Quarterly statistics.
Time of completion or release
Indices are published on the 24th day or the following weekday to it of the month following the end of the statistical reference quarter.
Time series
At the moment, the base year of the published producer price indices for services is 2015=100. The time series of different industries vary in length. Time series are available in Statistics Finland’s StatFin service.
indices, industries, price indices, producer price index for services, producer prices, services
Contact information
Last updated 21.05.2018