International trade in services
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Trade
Related topics: Services
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
Statistics on international trade in services describe Finnish enterprises’ international sales and imports of services by service type and target country. International trade in services is included in the balance of payments, so the statistics on international trade in services form part of the current account of Finland. Statistics on international trade in services are also utilised in the production of data on the sector "Rest of the world" in national accounts. These data are additionally transmitted to Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities), the European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Data content
The data relate to the value of the services enterprises have bought from abroad or sold abroad. In addition to typical business services between enterprises the statistics cover educational and recreational services and immaterial rights such as royalties and licence fees. The inquiry does not include transport, tourism and insurance services on which data are already collected with other inquiries. The data are asked divided by country. The collected enterprise-specific data must be kept confidential.
Classifications used
The classification used in the compilation of the statistics is the Extended Balance of Payments Services (EBOPS) classification, which is an international classification presented in the Manual on International Trade in Services. The country division is based on the country classification used in the balance of payments statistics.
Data collection methods and data sources
The inquiry concerning international trade in services is carried out as an annual survey among enterprises engaged in manufacturing and service activities. The sample comprises approximately 2,100 enterprises selected by their size category and industry to produce a representative picture of the international trade Finnish enterprises practice in services. The data obtained from the enterprises are raised to correspond with those for all enterprises in the frame.
Updating frequency
One year.
Time of completion or release
Preliminary data are completed at a lag of six months and final data at a lag of nine months from the end of the statistical reference year. The final data are released in the publication "Internationalisation of enterprises".
Time series
The data are collected every year. The first data are from the year 2000.
enterprises, exports, imports, international trade, services
Contact information
Last updated 30.05.2017