Financial statement statistics on construction
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Enterprises
Related topics: Construction
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The financial statement statistics on construction describe the formation of profit, profitability and balance sheet structure in the different branches of the industry. The examined variables are profit and loss account and balance sheet data, and parameters calculated from them.
Data content
The statistical unit is an independent business enterprise. Neither enterprise groups nor establishments of enterprises are included in the data. New forms of unincorporated state and municipal enterprises are included. Outside the scope of the description are public sector authority units and non-profit institutions. The identifying code is the Business ID.
The material contains profit and loss statement and balance sheet data, itemised data on revenue and expenditure, data on exports, itemised balance sheet data, increases and decreases of fixed assets, number of personnel, wages and salaries and social costs. The data also contain basic information about the enterprises and their classification categories, derived from Statistics Finland’s Business Register.
The data are used to produce parameters by industry, and statistics describing profit and loss statement and balance sheet data.
Because the material contains data describing business activities at the unit level, general rules concerning confidentiality apply to their use and release. The statistics compiled from the data are public subject to the condition that identification of an individual enterprise from them must not be possible.
Classifications used
Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2002, TOL 2008, Classification of Size Categoriers, Classification of Institutional Sectors.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data cover exhaustively almost all business enterprises in all construction industries. Some of the data are collected direct from enterprises and some are obtained by exploiting the Tax Administration’s corporate taxation records and Statistics Finland’s Register of Enterprises and Establishments. Data are collected direct from all enterprises employing at least 20 persons. Data on the profit and loss accounts and balance sheets of smaller and non-respondent enterprises are derived from administrative records, and other data for them are imputed utilising administrative records and the Business Register, and the data obtained with the own inquiry. As a rule, the classification data for the enterprises are mainly obtained from Statistics Finland’s Register of Enterprises and Establishments.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Preliminary data are ready in the second week of June of the year following the statistical reference year. Final financial statement data are ready in 14 months from the end of the statistical reference year.
Time series
Financial statement statistics have been produced since 1974.
balance sheets, business enterprises, construction, financial statement, fixed assets, industries, investments, personnel, profit and loss accounts, profitability, turnover, value added
Contact information
Last updated 22.08.2014