Human resources of science and technology
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Science, Technology and Information
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
Highly educated and skilled personnel is a key resource for science and technology. By definition, the reserve is formed by persons who have at least lower tertiary qualifications or work at demanding expert tasks. Those with researcher training are of particular interest. The statistics describe the development of the reserve of human resources of science and technology, demographic structure, placement in work and mobility. The OECD and EU recommendations are observed in the compilation of the statistics. The data are used by public science and technology administration, regional authorities and planning units and researchers. Personnel indicators are the key indicators describing the resources of science and technology.
Data content
The following information is described in the statistics yearly:
- Tertiary level qualifications
- Population with tertiary level qualifications
- Placement in work of highly educated
- Mobility of highly educated
- Occupations of highly educated.
Classifications used
The classifications used in the statistics are:
- Field of science
- Level of studies
- Gender
- Age
- Economic activity
- Area
- Nationality
- Classification of occupations
Data collection methods and data sources
The data are collected from register materials produced by Statistics Finland: employment statistics, population statistics and Register of Completed Education and Degrees.
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Data on qualifications completed are released approximately 15 months from the end of the statistical reference year. Data on the highly educated population are released 27 months from the end of the statistical reference year. Exact release dates are reported in the Release Calender at
Time series
Qualifications starting from 1991. Others starting from 2000.
degrees, education, employment, qualifications, science, research training, university degrees
Contact information
Last updated 24.02.2016