Tobacco statistics
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Health
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
Statistics Finland compiles tobacco statistics at the commission of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The produced publication presents data on the recorded sales and consumption of tobacco, prevalence of smoking and subjection to tobacco smoke.
Data content
Data on the consumption of different taxable tobacco products, consumption of tax-free cigarettes, smoking habits of the population, imports and exports and value of retail sales of tobacco, amount of tobacco tax, price increases and prices of tobacco. The data are public.
Classifications used
Regional classification: whole country.
Tobacco products: cigarettes, cigars, pipe and cigarette tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco, hand rolling tobacco.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data on the consumption and value of retail sales of taxable tobacco products, and on tobacco excise amounts derive from the monthly customs and excise statistics of the National Board of Customs. The data on the consumption of tax-free cigarettes are based on information about the amounts of tax-free cigarettes brought from abroad collected with interviews in connection with Statistics Finland’s sample survey “Finnish Travel”. The data on tobacco imports and exports derive from the foreign trade statistics of the National Board of Customs. The data on the smoking habits of the population derive from the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) postal surveys “Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population (AVTK)“ and “Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Elderly (EVTK)“ and the University of Tampere’s survey of the health behaviour of young people.
Updating frequency
One year.
Time of completion or release
Time series
Data are available starting from 1980. The base year of times series is usually 1980. Corresponding series starting from 1970 have been published in the report Tocacco after the Tobacco Act (Statistics Finland, Studies 135)
consumption, exports, foreign trade, imports, prices, production, smoking, snuff, tobacco
Contact information
Additional information
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: Reetta Siukola, tel.: +358 9 1607 3231
Last updated 08.07.2014