Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Justice
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on prisoners describe the numbers of prisoners at the beginning and end of the year, and the numbers of persons admitted to and released from penal institutions. The statistics also contain cross-sectional data on the prison population describing the situation on the first day of May (prison population analysis). The mean number of prisoners depicts the annual development in the number of prisoners.
Data content
Annual numbers of prisoners, persons entered into and released from penal institutions are presented by prisoner group either as mean prison population or as absolute numbers. Prisoner groups include convicts, remand and default prisoners. Data are also presented on foreign prisoners, life prisoners, number of prisons, use of prisoner places and prisoner places in closed institutions. Data are also given on grounds for release and lengths of time served. The data available on the prison population include age group, type of penal institution, main offence and number of times in a penal institution.
The data are public.
Classifications used
Prisoner group, gender, age group, foreign prisoners (as mean number and number of new prisoners). Life prisoners, (total), number released from penal institutions, number of prisons and prisoner places in use (as absolute numbers). Prisoner places in closed institutions (as percentages).
Data collection methods and data sources
The data are received as statistical tables from The Criminal Sanctions Agency.
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Data are ready in June of the year following the statistical reference year.
Time series
The statistics are available for a time period exceeding one hundred years.
Contact information
Additional information
The Criminal Sanctions Agency.
Last updated 22.11.2010