Statistics on central government productivity
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Government Finance
Related topics: National Accounts
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics describe volume changes in the output, labour input and total input of state accounting offices and institutions and changes in work and total productivity calculated from them. The data are published on the total level and on the level of administrative sectors. The statistics do not include unincorporated state enterprises, state-owned companies, funds and state-subsidised associations. The inquiry units belong to category S.1311 Central government according to the Classification of Sectors 2000.
Data content
The statistics contain data on the change in total productivity and labour productivity of state accounting offices and institutions and on the change in the output, labour input and costs from 1995 onwards. The data are published on the total level and on the level of administrative sectors. The data for each year are compiled on the data on those units from which usable and comparable data are available on successive years. Data by administrative sector are published on those administrative sectors on which a sufficient amount of information is available.
Classifications used
The government agencies and institutions classify their own output categories. The expense and administrative sector categories used are the account scheme and classifications of the State Treasury.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data on outputs and inputs are collected from government agencies and institutions with an electronic form completed on the Internet.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The data are updated once a year.
Time of completion or release
The data on changes in central government labour and total productivity are released yearly in June on Statistics Finland's Internet pages.
Time series
Data on changes in productivity have been produced from 1995 onwards. The coverage of the statistics has risen yearly, for which reason the statistics do not comprise of the same units in the time series. The change data for 2005 were produced with a new weighting method, so data prior to 2005 are not fully comparable with newer data.
central government finance, government finance, productivity, productivity of labour, public sector
Contact information
Last updated 07.07.2015