Harmonised index of consumer prices
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://stat.fi/til/ykhi/index_en.html
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: National AccountsIncome and
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
In addition to their national consumer price indices, the Member States of the European Union also produce a harmonised index of consumer prices, from which Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, calculates the European index of consumer prices and the monetary union index of consumer prices. Calculation of the harmonised index of consumer prices is guided by EU regulations. The main purpose for which the harmonised index of consumer prices is used is inflation comparison between the EU countries. The European Central Bank uses the harmonised index of consumer prices as the measure of inflation in its monetary policy. The Finnish harmonised index of consumer prices is mainly based on the same price data and national accounts data as the Finnish national consumer price index. However, the scope and commodity selection of the harmonised index of consumer prices is different, which is why its development deviates from that of the national consumer price index.
Data content
The index describes changes in consumer prices in accordance with the consumption concept and calculation methods harmonised within the EU. The index is based on the price data collected for the consumer price index but is less exhaustive in coverage; e.g. interest rates and most of the costs of owner-occupied dwellings are excluded from the harmonised index. The index comprises an overall index and approximately 100 sub-indices by commodity group. Price data concerning an individual retail outlet are confidential and are not released to a third party in an identifiable form. Detailed information about the commodities on which price data are collected are also confidential.
Classifications used
Classification of private consumption commodities by purpose of use adopted by the EU. (COICOP, Classificiation Of Individual Consumption by Purpose).
Data collection methods and data sources
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Published in connection with the consumer price index on the 14th day of the month following the statistical reference month. If the day concerned is a Saturday or a public holiday, the index is published on the first weekday following it. The EU publishes the data in its own release usually a few days after the national day of release.
Time series
The data are available since 1996.
Contact information
Last updated 12.11.2008