Environmental protection expenditure accounts
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Environment and Natural
Related topics: Energy
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on environmental protection expenditure accounts describe the expenditure arising from environmental protection to industry, services and households, and central and local government. The statistics show the magnitudes of investments in environmental protection and operating expenditure arising from environmental protection by industry and use (by sector of environment).
Data content
Investments in environmental protection and their share of all investments in fixed assets, operating and maintenance costs, administrative and research costs and compensations relating to environmental protection. Investments and current expenditure by target: air, water, waste and soil and other environmental protection. Establishment-specific data are public.
Classifications used
Standard Industrial Classification TOL, Classification of environmental protection activities CEPA.
Data collection methods and data sources
A sample inquiry directly to enterprises' establishments, around 2,000 establishments. Data on financial statements of the state, statistics on the activity and finances of municipalities, and special surveys.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
The first release date planned for the statistics on environmental protection expenditure accounts is 26 October 2017. The deadline for EU reporting is 31 December 2017, T+24.
Time series
On environmental protection expenditure in industry starting from 1992, on public sector environmental protection expenditure from 1994.
air protection, investments, public sector, government finance, public expenditure, waste management, expenditure, environmental protection, environmental protection investments, environmental protection expenditure
Contact information
Last updated 05.10.2018