Vote magnet - elected candidates with the most votes in Parliamentary elections 1958 (over 10,000 votes)
* NB The candidate could stand for election in more than one constitutency at the same time, the name of the elected MP in bold in the constituency from which elected.
Elected candidates with the most votes in Parliamentary elections 1958 (over 10,000 votes)
candidate | number of votes | party | constituency |
Kuusinen Hertta Elina | *31 453 | Democratic League of the People of Finland | Helsinki |
Kaitila Esa | *13 653 | Finnish People's Party | Helsinki |
Tanner Väinö | 11 585 | Social Democratic Party | Helsinki |
*Kuusinen Hertta Elina | 12 176 | Democratic League of the People of Finland, Helsinki | |
11 429 | Democratic League of the People of Finland, Uusimaa | ||
3 042 | Democratic League of the People of Finland, Kuopio East | ||
4 806 | Democratic League of the People of Finland, Vaasa East | ||
total | *31 453 | ||
*Kaitila Esa | 7 810 | Finnish People's Party, Helsinki | |
2 507 | Finnish People's Party, Uusimaa | ||
1 128 | Finnish People's Party, Häme North | ||
1 059 | Finnish People's Party, Mikkeli | ||
681 | Finnish People's Party, Kuopio East | ||
468 | Finnish People's Party, Vaasa North | ||
total | *13 653 |
Last updated 31.5.2004
(none) [e-publication].
Vote magnet - elected candidates with the most votes in Parliamentary elections 1958 (over 10,000 votes)
. Helsinki: (none) [referred: 22.2.2025].
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