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Appendix figure 1. Municipalities’ internal investment acquisition costs, net investments and annual contribution margin in 2010 to 2020*

Appendix figure 1. Municipalities’ internal investment acquisition costs, net investments and annual contribution margin in 2010 to 2020*
*) The data concerning 2020 are preliminary. Internal investment acquisition costs are the difference between investment expenses and financing contributions. Net investments are the difference between internal investment acquisition costs and proceeds from transfers of non-current assets.

Source: Local government finances 2020, preliminary data. Statistics Finland.

Inquiries: Karen Asplund 029 551 3611, Jens Melfsen 029 551 2578,

Head of Department in charge: Katri Kaaja

Updated 28.5.2021

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Local government finances [e-publication].
ISSN=2343-4163. 2020, Appendix figure 1. Municipalities’ internal investment acquisition costs, net investments and annual contribution margin in 2010 to 2020* . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 30.6.2024].
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