This set of statistics has been discontinued.

Statistical data on this topic are published in connection with another set of statistics.

Data published after 5 April 2022 can be found on the renewed website.

This page is archived.

Changes to the data content of the statistics on foreign trade in services

A new service item classification has been adopted in the statistics on foreign trade in services starting from the reference year 2013. The statistical publication now also covers financial services. For exports of construction services the gross value is reported, that is exports of goods from Finland and other costs abroad are included in the export value of construction services. The margin of merchanting and the margin from sales of goods manufactured abroad are published as a separate item. Thus the exports and imports of services are comparable including corresponding items.

Due to the changes, the data starting from the reference year 2013 are not fully congruent and comparable with earlier reference years.

Starting from the statistical reference year 2013, data on foreign trade in services are also published in the StatFin database services.



Last updated 6.6.2014

Referencing instructions:

Statistics: International trade in services [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3525. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 27.9.2024].
Access method: