Birth rate


This page examines the birth rate of persons with immigrant background through the origin variable. All persons with at least one parent born in Finland are considered to be of Finnish background. Persons whose both parents or the only known parent were born abroad are considered to be of foreign background. If both parents of a person were born abroad, the background country is primarily the country of birth of the mother. If either parent's country of birth is unknown, the background country is the person's own country of birth. The background country for all persons with Finnish background is Finland.

Live births in 1990 to 2023 by mother's origin

Live births in 1990-2018


Total fertility rate of persons born abroad with foreign background and of total population in 1990 to 2023

total fertility rate in 1990 to 2018 by background

The total fertility rate indicates how many children a women would give birth to calculatorily during her life time if age group-specific fertility rates remained the same as in the year on which the calculation is based.


Total fertility rate of persons born abroad with foreign background by background country

Total gertility rate of persons born abroad with foreign background by background country, 2000 to 2003 and 2016 to 2019