News 21 Aug 2019

Findicator gathers indicators from several different organisations together in one service

The upcoming fall, the Findicator service will celebrate its 10th anniversary. The service gathers together indicators describing social development, which are produced by Statistics Finland and several other domestic organisations.

The Findicator contains data on many sectors of life. The service contains information on, for example, how many library visits there were last year, how much cereal was produced then and how many children were born. Altogether, there are around one hundred different indicators.

The service is directed to all people, who in their work or activity need up-to-date and reliable data on social development. Thus, the Findicator benefits at least decision-makers, experts, teachers, journalists and citizens.

The Findicator makes searching for information easier by providing data produced by several organisations on one website. With the help of the links in the service, it is possible to go into the searched topic in more detail on the web pages of different organisations. The links are also helpful in finding international comparison data.

The data provided by the indicators can be viewed with the help of visualisations and tables. The users can download the data to their own computer as an Excel file if they wish.

In 2009, the Findicator received an award at the OECD World Forum as the best indicator service using new technology. The service was renewed last year, so it is easier than before to use on a mobile device.

Further information:
Information Services Planner Sari Vahala tel. +358 29 551 6316,

Findicator service: