Population and society

Cases of domestic violence committed by a cohabiting partner reported to the authorities increased by 21.2 per cent in 2022

release | Statistics on offences and coercive measures 2022


Database tables of the statistics on offences and coercive measures corrected
Read more about the correction


New database tables are published in the statistics on offences and coercive measures statistics.
Read more about the change

According to Statistics Finland’s data, there were 11,800 victims of domestic violence and intimate partnership violence offences reported to the authorities in 2022, which is 7.9 per cent more than in the previous year. Of the victims, 9,100 were adults, which is 8.8 per cent more than in the year before. The number of underage victims was 2,700, which is five per cent more than in the previous year.

Key selections

  • The number of victims of intimate partner violence committed by a married spouse grew by nine per cent from the previous year.
  • Fifty-two per cent of underage victims were girls and 74 per cent of adult victims were women.
  • Close on 16 per cent of victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence reported to the authorities were of foreign background.
  • Among suspects of domestic violence and intimate partner violence, 76 per cent were men. If the victim is a minor, 65 per cent of suspects are men.
  • The statistics include only cases known to the authorities, by no means all cases of domestic violence and intimate partner violence are reported to the authorities.


New database tables are published in the statistics on offences and coercive measures statistics.
Read more about the change


See key statistical data in the tables.

Victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence reportet to the authorities by the relationship of victim and offender in 2018-2022

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Relation between the victim and suspect
  • Mode of housing
  • Victim’s age
  • Victim's sex
  • Offence heading
Classifications used:
  • Relation between the victim and suspect
  • Wellbeing services county
  • Victim’s age
  • Victim's sex
Classifications used:
  • Victim's sex
  • Offence heading
  • Victims age
  • Suspect's sex
  • Suspects age
  • Relation between the victim and suspect
New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Relation between the victim and suspect
  • Victim’s age
  • Victim's sex
  • Offence heading
  • Origin

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029 551 3252
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