EnergyHousing and construction

Mild end of 2022 made it easier for households to cope in the energy crisis

release | Energy consumption in households 2022

According to Statistics Finland, energy consumption in households fell by around four terawatt hours (TWh) in 2022 from the previous year. The energy crisis in the autumn with its high prices led to energy saving measures. The year was also milder than usual. The combined effect of these dropped energy consumption in households to just short of 65 TWh.

Key selections

  • Nearly 43 TWh of energy was used to heating residential spaces. Its share of energy consumption in households was biggest, 66 per cent.
  • Electricity consumption in households fell by around 1.5 TWh from 2021 to 2022. The share of electricity in housing energy remained unchanged and was around 35 per cent.
  • The energy crisis in the autumn strengthened the change in heating modes.
  • The share of energy produced by heat pumps in heating of residential spaces rose by three percentage points from 2021. Heat pumps accounted for 16 per cent of heating of residential spaces in 2022.
  • The share of light fuel oil in the heating energy of residential spaces fell by one percentage point from 2021 to 2022. The use of other fossil fuels, such as natural gas, also fell.

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Classifications used:
  • Energy source
  • Type of building
Classifications used:
  • Energy source
  • Energy end use

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Senior Statistician
029 551 3527
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