EnergyPrices and consumption

Around EUR 255 million paid to households as compensation for electricity costs

release | Energy prices 2023, May


New database table published in the statistics on energy prices statistics
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According to data collected by Statistics Finland from energy companies, retroactive ompensation for electricity costs paid to households amounted to EUR 255 million. The total amount of compensation would therefore remain well below the reserved EUR 400 million in appropriations. This is due to the mild and windy winter and successful measures for saving electricity, which reduced the costs for consumers.

Key selections

  • Altogether EUR 255 million was paid to households as compensation for electricity costs.
  • Around EUR 400 million was reserved for compensations for electricity costs as an appropriation in the state budget. Thus, the cost of the compensations for electricity costs paid by the government was lower than anticipated.
  • The reason for the cost remaining below the estimate was the mild and windy winter and successful measures for saving electricity, which lowered both the market price of electricity and reduced costs more than expected due to saved electricity.
  • The majority, or good 90 per cent, of the compensations were paid to households whose annual electricity consumption exceeds 5,000 kWh.


New database table published in the statistics on energy prices statistics
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  • Compensation of electricity costs
  • Type of consumer

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